Our Purpose

Championing Non-Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic

Welcome to The Chiropractic Trust, the premier organization committed to the advancement and advocacy of Non-therapeutic Straight Chiropractic. Our foundation is built on supporting chiropractors who prioritize the core principles of detecting, analyzing, and exclusively correcting vertebral subluxations.

Our Purpose and Mission:

The Chiropractic Trust has been created to protect, preserve, advance, develop and adamantly defend practices of Non Therapeutic Chiropractors who focus strictly on the location, analysis and facilitation of correction of Vertebral Subluxation and ensuring that the choice of straight chiropractic care is made available to all humankind throughout their entire lives. Such high value is evidenced by Straight Chiropractors through the use of principles, practices, procedures and fee systems which reduce or eliminate barriers to anyone’s ability to regular lifetime Chiropractic care.

Non Therapeutic Straight Chiropractic is defined as: The location, analysis and facilitation of correction of Vertebral Subluxation solely because they, in and of themselves, interfere with the proper expression of the innate intelligence of the body and are a detriment to life. Additionally, Straight Chiropractic shall include the education of people as to the seriousness and importance of Vertebral Subluxation and having them corrected. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else.

The Chiropractic Trust shall accomplish this mission through a variety of educational programs and public relations focused on enhancing and asserting the individual and collective rights of Straight Chiropractors on a regional, state and national level to engage in and maintain straight chiropractic practices without fear or harassment from entities inside or outside the profession.

Our History

Join Our Community

From its inception, The Chiropractic Trust has been dedicated to a singular vision: to support and expand the practice of non-therapeutic Straight Chiropractic. Founded by a group of pioneering chiropractors, our organization has grown internationally, promoting a rigorous standard of chiropractic that relies on evidence and tradition alike.

If you are a chiropractor who practices or aspires to specialize in non-therapeutic Straight Chiropractic, The Chiropractic Trust invites you to join our growing community. Together, we can continue to safeguard the purity of our profession and enhance the health and wellbeing of individuals worldwide.

The Chiropractic Trust

Become part of a network that values purity in practice and promotes the longevity of Straight Chiropractic care, ensuring its availability to future generations.

Member Directory

Board of Directors

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Through a variety of educational programs and robust public relations efforts, we aim to elevate the practice and protect the rights of our members on every level.

The Chiropractic Trust is dedicated to supporting Straight Chiropractors by promoting the practice and principles of non-therapeutic chiropractic. Our commitment is to protect, preserve, and advance this specialized field, ensuring access to high-quality care and education for our members.

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