The adjustment is a very specific term in the lexicon of chiropractic. It describes a subluxated vertebrae being restored to its innate normal position by the innate intelligence of the body.
There is an in born intelligence in all living things that coordinates all living functions to maintain its existence. There is a normal physiological state for all humans that is very unique to each human. We call this innate normal and it is different for everyone. The exact measure for any one person cannot be educated known.
The intent of the chiropractor is to use their analysis to determine where the vertebral subluxation is located and the direction the innate intelligence of the body is trying to make the adjustment. The chiropractor then places as gentle a force as possible in that direction so innate intelligence can use that force to restore the subluxated vertebrae back to its innate normal position. This results in a fuller expression of innate impulses throughout the entire body. This is incredibly powerful because that person can now live closer to their full potential.
The adjustment of vertebral subluxations is a powerful and necessary service for all humanity. Life being more fully expressed is limitless in the ways people can live closer to their full potential. The habit of chiropractic is a powerful investment!!!!