Quality of life

Quality of Life

September 10, 20242 min read

Quality of Life

Your ability to live your life -- the way you want to live your life".

We hear this all of the time - Do this . . and your quality of life will improve ... do that ... and your quality of life will increase. etc., etc.. depends upon a properly functioning body and mind.


So what does "Quality of Life" really mean?

Wikipedia says "Quality of life is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything from physical health, family, education, employment, wealth, safety, security to freedom, religious beliefs, and the environment.

Quality can mean different things to different people.

The way I see it and many other chiropractors define it - - - "YOUR ability to LIVE YOUR LIFE the way you want to live it".

Your ability to drive a car, work in the yard, go bowling, walk, talk, dance, hike, tour Europe...etc, etc. depends upon a functioning (somewhat) healthy body and mind.

When it comes to Life there are no absolute guarantees, genetics and unforeseen circumstances can and will play a part. 

But YOU can increase your odds of having the quality you desire and deserve when you incorporate good habits into your daily life. Increase your odds and potential by building habits, for ex; eating well, moving well, resting well ------ AND taking care of your SPINE!

The spine is the missing link to quality of life and the MOST neglected aspect of human maintenance. 

Quality of LIFE depends upon a NERVE System working without interference!

The adjustment, no matter how you feel, helps to remove nerve interference at the spinal level.  With a CONSISTENT clear brain - body connection ... the quality of your life will improve in some way. 

Whether you notice it or not.. your body WORKS and functions better with a good nerve supply. Now add to that; eating well, moving well, resting well (thinking well) and - - BAMM - you can exponentially increase your odds and potential to living the WAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!

Adjustments = LIFE!


Dr. Scott

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Scott Timpanelli DC

Dr Scott has been in private practice since 1998. He practices currently in Greenville SC. He sits on the Board for the Chiropractic Trust

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